this is my first entry for 2011. yeah... new year datang lagi. 2010 a year fulls of ups and downs, so many things happened and changed my life.I pray to Allah that year 2011 will bring me more joy, happiness and bring me closer to Him. i'm in my 24weeks pregnancy. syukur pada rezeki dari Ilahi.Alhamdulillah it's been a smooth and easy pregnancy for me this time. besides the usual fatigue, berat pon under control .i must control my diet. x nak jadi mcm last pregnancy, makan minum x ingat. hari2 minum g.janes dgn merisa. last2 kena diabetic. cheMek lahir pon baby besar. ingat masa lahir kan cheMek dulu, semua misi dtg buat lawatan kat bilik nak tgk baby chubby. now, that chubby baby has grown up. she gonna be 3 yrs old when her adik arrived insyaAllah.
2.My Adam already in Standard 1. so far so good for him. first day of school x perlu teman2 ke sekolah. Now he's attending taekwando class every Sunday at the eager to attend the class. we'll see how.jgn belajar half-way okay. moomy don't like it. sekarang tgh koya nak jadi pengawas. ohhh anakku ku itu memang kuat berangan. jenuh nak explain. all the best for you abang. yg penting abang enjoy pegi sekolah, x stress, rajin buat homework, bangun pagi pon senang setakat ni Alhamdulillah.skang dah kena top-up 20sen kat elaun sekolah abang kalau abang x tido kat bilik mommy.3.tokma came to visits us last month. this is her first out-station after ayah demise. dtg pon 3 hari je. 'x leh gi kl lamo2 x leh gi ziarah kubor ayoh pulok'. walaupo dtg sekejap dpt juga bawak tokma ziarah sedara2 di KL.
4.on career wise not much happening.except for last year 'rezeki' yg i've never expected.this year slow down lah sikit. slow down pon, sometimes weekend and PH pon kena datang jugok. x pe lah dah it's the job responsibility. amanah dan tanggungjawab kita. lucky my mrNaza memahami. dia lah menjaga kids di rumah waktu kena kerja.
5.i've turned to 3.3 series last month. Coincidently with Maulidur Rasul.Alhamdulillah syukur pada Mu Ya Allah kerana memberi peluang untuk terus bernafas di muka bumi ini. Semoga aku di kurniakan umur yg berkat, kesihatan yg baik, dipertingkat keimanan, kesabaran, ketakwaan. Thank you Ya Allah kerana menganugerahkan suami yg baik hati dan anak-anak yg menceriakan hidup ini. What more could i asked for? Syukur yanag hanya mampu ku ucapkan....
6.My baby sis has completed her studies. A week after her exam results, he reported duty on one of the Big4. Welcome to the real world sis!
Kerja elok-elok. Don't forget your first gaji, belanja ye....
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